
Terrific Twos Program

Supervisor: Shone BushaIMG_2167
Aide: Crystal Lanius

Class T1: Monday/Wednesday 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Class T2: 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Class T3: Friday 9:00 am – 11:30 am

Two year olds are terrific! This program provides young children with the opportunity to learn how to socially interact with peers through play. The teachers will guide your child through daily activities that will enrich their language and social skills, along with incorporating music/movement, circle time, crafts, and children’s literature. All of the skills gained will be the beginning of the foundation to your child’s educational experiences.

Three Year Old Program

Teacher: Ginna Jung
Aide: Laina Meadowscoleenbk

Class A: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Class B: Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 am – 11:30 am

Our Preschool program recognizes the needs of three-year olds to learn from one another, and to expand their experiences and knowledge. This program is designed to promote your child’s independence, imagination and creativity. Our teachers offer a variety of educational activities that will include language and literacy, math skills, fine and large motor development, creative art and crafts as well as social studies and scientific thinking. This will help build your child’s self and social confidence to try new challenges that will aide in future educational and social successes. Through this program your child will continue to build on the foundation of learning.

Pre-Kindergarten Program

Teacher: Michelle Batchelder
Aide: Kim GemmillIMG_1992
Class D: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:45 am – 11:45 am

Teacher: Natalie Fulmer
Aide: Suzie Hinton
Class E: Monday-Friday 8:45 am – 11:45 am

The Pre-Kindergarten class builds on the preschool experience and is designed to help prepare children for Kindergarten. This program offers a variety of experiences through themes as well as through play. It is important for students to experience success and to be proud of their achievements. The program includes a structured language arts activity as well as varied experiences with creative thinking, scientific thinking, math, creative and expressive arts and motor skills development. There is an emphasis on developing phonetic awareness, reading readiness and writing in an environment that promotes creative expression and peer cooperation.